soren wrote:
az99 wrote:
A word of advice. Stay off the Pa. Turnpike if you have anything more than a car. It is BIG BIG BIG $$$ anywhere on it with a MH. And most of the road is either in construction with 40MPH speed limit or is so rough you will want them to pay you.
Gee, I spend a lot of time on the 476 portion, the road is fast, with a 70MPH post and nobody seems to care if you are ten over, not that I would drive a MH that fast. On the thirty miles I use most, there are two short sections of 55 limit for two new bridges being built, other than that it's in great shape. I wholeheartedly agree about the insane cost, and the fact that they want you to have a separate transponder for any six wheeled motorhome over 14K LBS.
I believe they are referring to 76, 476 (the blue route) is fast!! Move or get out of the way fast!!
76 (Pa Turnpike) is very very unfriendly to large vehicles, Last time I was hauling thru there they charged by axle, and on some trucks I have driven that could be by 5 (not including the steer). Also the farther you travel from the point you entered it can get very expensive! Thank goodness my company reimburses for tolls!
476 from Chester to Allentown is good but like you said fast!