22K miles divided by 6 years is only about 3,600 miles per year.....most of the time sitting with some degree of UV sunlight hitting them. If you covered your tires every minute that it sat still, you might kick the can down the road another 6-8 months, IMHO. The chemical compounds in tires are meant to be heated up often through use, and as a result distributed evenly in the tire itself. 3,600 miles per year ain't a lot of miles, and several collective months of sitting in the UV rays of sunlight takes a significant toll on the tires' integrity. Others will argue that they are fine, and chances are.... that absolutely nothing will happen. However, chances are also greater now, with each passing year...that you will experience a failure. Best case, they start to slowly leak air....worst case, you have a blowout, tear up the fender well and side of the RV, and/or possibly lose control causing an accident.
Me? I'm budgeted to replace at year 7........personal preference......