Forum Discussion

treeDodgingCamp's avatar
Oct 27, 2014

F53 Brake Advice

I am looking to replace the brake system on our 1996 Dolphin 535 (Ford F53), as the pads are worn and have begun to gouge the rear rotors. Not to mention the entire system is old, so I want to replace all the rotors, calipers, pads and rubber lines as well as flush the system. It's very important to me that the MH is safe so my question is what is the actual best type of rotor, pad and caliper to use?

Are slotted rotors better for a motorhome? What is the best type of material for rotors and pads? I'm looking for stopping power, longevity and durability. I don't want to spend my life savings on brakes, but at the same time I want the best possible (and safest).