And here's a shot of the driver's side reassembled. In order to jack the motorhome up for this job I used 2 bottle jacks. One is a 12 ton and the other an 8 ton. I use the 8 ton on the end of the axle (there is a circular hole towards the end which allows access), and the 12 ton on the frame. First, I jack the frame up until I think it's going to be high enough, then I jack the axle up with the 8 ton. This way the axle isn't bearing all the weight. Once I have plenty of clearance for the tire, I put 2 6-ton jack stands under the frame, then bring the 12 ton jack on the frame down some until the frame is resting on the jack stands. At this point I have 4 points of contact (2 bottle jacks and 2 jack stands), and all the wheels chucked of course.
Just thought I'd mention that because it took me awhile to figure out how to safety do this (after I first got the MH I took it to get inspected and the mechanic jacked the passenger's side of the MH up and popped the windshield out. No they didn't fix it).