Forum Discussion

behengold's avatar
Jul 31, 2015

Feeling ripped off on the cost of a front break job ?

I had my breaks checked at 74,000 mi on my 2000 Born Free E450. Was told I needed new pads and a right front caliper.The rotors were also turned.$600 later I picked it up and on my first trip I felt a shimmy in the wheel and tire on the right side.There was also a burnt plastic odor which I thought might be the new break pad.I took it back to the shop after 400mi to recheck.They told me I now had a warped rotor suggesting I must have been riding the breaks and overheated the rotor.This time they replaced both rotors and the other caliper costing another thousand dollars for a total of $1600. I guess I should have taken it right back to have them to redo the repair but I was 60 mi into my trip and figured it might be the new pads adjusting. What do I know,I'm not a mechanic. I'm wondering if they contributed to the problem by not doing the job correctly in the first place.I'm interested in other opinions as to the cost and whether they should have eaten some of the 2nd repair.
  • The warped rotor is their fault... they didn't bleed it properly. You were basically applying that brake the entire time you were driving. You got ripped off. Based upon the ****py work I wouldn't trust the repair... take it to another shop for inspection. Hopefully they find a part that was "replaced" was not and then you have a better small claims case and chargeback complaint.
  • I'm going to at least try to get them to adjust the bill . I believe they overcharged me for a problem they created. I've had few good experiences when it comes to auto repairs.
  • If the rotors were not warped to begin with, then it sounds to me like they messed up the install of the right caliper, causing the rotor to warp. One other thing is that those original equipment rotors are big heavy mothers. Most brake places cannot resurface them correctly because they either don't have the equipment or the time. Just had mine 2006 e450 done. Mechanic sent the rotors to a machine shop. Cost with new pads, bearings repacked, oil change and everything underneath greased, NYS inspection $600.
  • It just makes me sick that how people just blatantly rip people off.

    Then again there are so many that don't have a clue.
    NOT trying to make you feel worse , its just now in this day and time with easy access to the WWW a simple look up online at parts prices and there are sites to get labor times as well.

    Yeah you got took for a grand and then some !

    But a lot of places when a MH rolls in the labor rate and parts just about doubles !!
    That in itself is thievery !!

    I couldn't make it running a business I'm to honest and have morals and values not to mention integrity unlike most it seems this day and time !

    Sorry for your loss.....

    I hate it when they do the scare tactic on people too.
    It won't last till you make it to _____ or your lucky you made it in , it was ready fall off or cause a wreck Blah blah blah !!

    E450 Pads and rotors $600

    Basically they are just bolt-on parts so maybe $200 labor?

    + some for the caliper (if needed) and bleeding the brakes.

    Yes it seems like a bit much to me but I do my own work mostly. I have long since quit turning rotors. Slap on the pads and let them wear in a bit or just put on new.
  • X3 find a new shop. take it in for a brake check up ,tell them your story,and you just want it right, have them inspect the rears while your there.
  • The breaks were fine before I had them check for wear.What's a reasonable cost for the work I had done?
  • newman fulltimer wrote:
    it was warped before they turned them you got scamed
