Ivylog wrote:
Assuming your air intake is similar to mine... fairly simple to check for any obstructions which I doubt as it's a simple system. While I cannot find how many miles on your 08, I find it hard to believe that two filters are defective. I would go with the larger diameter filter by making two 2" extensions for the straps that hold the filter. Two large zip ties might work for the extensions to the straps/snaps.
There are 43,000 miles on this unit.
I have inspected the intake box from the outside and the interior of the down pipe to the air filter plus the elbow and ducting continuing on towards the turbo (the minder is in the middle). Nothing.
So after I do a water column test on the filter minder and assuming it is reasonable calibrated, upgrading the filter will be the next step. I have seen strap kits online. Unfortunately the upgrade will have to wait a bit as I have several more pressing repairs on my plate to accomplish first.