Forum Discussion

Belgique's avatar
Nov 26, 2016

Financing 2007 DP

Found a great 2007 Fleetwood Discovery 40X. Having trouble finding anyone who will finance a 2007, even Good Sam. The on-line applications kick it out. Any suggestions on RV knowledgeable lenders who has humans to look at an application?
  • I originally finance fifth wheel through southeast financial. Few months later I talked to credit union and they did 3.9....but only for 6 years. That's the catch most cu only want to finance for 6 years. I ended up using credit union. Saved 4 years and ton of interest.
  • If you qualify for USAA membership they financed my 2005 MH.

  • I did that search earlier and so many of them won't tell you the parameters until you do the whole application. My 813 score will crash from all the hits if I keep applying. US Bank and Bank of the West were two that were difficult. Will work the local CU Monday. Pentagon CU was one that would only go 2010 and newer.

    Off to get a Power Ball ticket. Maybe that will work!
  • Belgique wrote:
    Thanks Rich. I should have said it is a private sale. Tried the places you suggested. Will work more on Mon. CG owner said some RV dealers will work financing (for a fee) for a private sale and they have better luck. Never heard of that but will try it.

    I've not heard of that either. our previous MH was financed thru US Bank..maybe give them a call. did a google search and gots lots of hits. maybe one of them will pan out.

    good luck.
  • X2 on the local bank or credit union. You can usually talk to a human. :)

    Just be careful with dealer financing.
  • Thanks Rich. I should have said it is a private sale. Tried the places you suggested. Will work more on Mon. CG owner said some RV dealers will work financing (for a fee) for a private sale and they have better luck. Never heard of that but will try it.
  • Belgique wrote:
    Found a great 2007 Fleetwood Discovery 40X. Having trouble finding anyone who will finance a 2007, even Good Sam. The on-line applications kick it out. Any suggestions on RV knowledgeable lenders who has humans to look at an application?

    try your local bank, credit union and/or your RV/auto insurance company. if buying from a dealer he may be able to get financing for you. if a private sale will the seller carry the paper?? I wouldn't if I was selling but it all depends on how desperate the seller is to sell.

    good luck.