The dolly wheels track outside the track of the motorhome. If the motorhome clears the pump island the toad will clear too.
Not true for a dolly. If the mh wheel is close to the island, the dolly wheel will hit it. Same for curbs and tight driveways.
You cant back up and take another shot. You have to disconnect everything, move and re hookup. With a toad; wont happen.
I had a dolly for 2-3 years before we traded for a towable. They are ok if you dont connect-disconnect often.
Another thing I didn't like was how dirty it could be connecting disconnecting if it had been raining and or dirt roads. The straps and tires get covered with dirt. Loading in the rain is no fun; spinning tires, wet straps.With toad you unhook the chains and undo pins. It took 3-4 times longer to do the dolly than flat tow.
I second the vote on Ready Brute. Have had one 12 years. Works great, simple, saves the price of a braking system.
A down side to pumps is that if they fail on a trip you cant tow. There IS a warning light but someone will have to drive the toad until you get it fixed.
You cant go wrong with the used dolly. You can sell it for what you paid for it. Check the straps a few miles down the road. They often loosen at first.