We took the new Motorhome out last weekend for a short 400 mile roundtrip. The handling was incredible. It was such a relaxing drive on the freeway. I was surprised that I didn't get thrown around much by passing trucks at all.
The only add-on the dealer threw in was a Blue Ox TruCenter, which works great. They are also including a rear Blue Ox TigerTrac but it is still on order (I'm not even sure if it really needs it).
There is one question in regards to handling; with the load G tires, and stiff Bilsteins, any small bump, crack or joint in the road was like a big Bang. One stretch of freeway had so many cracks/joints, the nav unit on the dash was moving around some. Will Ride Rite airbags help with the absorption of this? I would think that they would help to 'cushion the blow' so to speak. If so, front, rear, or both.
Any input here is greatly appreciated.