Forum Discussion

jmerritt's avatar
Aug 13, 2016

Fleetwood Limited Storage Doors Hinges

Anyone know of a good adhesive for repairing the storage door hinges on the Fleetwood Limited? Fiberglass doors that you can't rivet the hinges to the door they need to be attached with an adhesive. I have used JB Weld but it doesn't want to hold since the doors and hinges tend to naturally tension as they are closed against the rubber door seal. Don't know what Fleetwood used originally but it held for 20+ years.

  • If you want a permanent attachment use 3M 5200, comes in white or black.
  • Did you call Fleetwood to find out what they used? Their Tech support is awesome!

  • Have you tried GOOP I am amazed by what I have been able to stick together,metal to stone,metal to plastic and metal to metal,plus a lot of other things.