Forum Discussion

devildog1971's avatar
May 26, 2015

Floor wax on motorhome

Just bought a new class C some here have put a floor wax on some models that have lost their shine so to speak. would it be a good idea to put the floor wax , which I believe was bought at Lowes or home depot on a new motorhome before it gets dull and chalky?
  • Back in 1960, I was working my first job and driving my first car.

    Not being able to afford real "Car" wax, I borrowed some of my mother's Johnson's Lemon Pledge. Because it made my car look better than ANY of my friends cars. Some of them started using it too.

    One particular friend grew up owning a motorcycle shop and building some of those $100,000+ choppers that you see on TV.

    When I visited him 3-4 years ago, he told me that he was STILL using Lemon Pledge on EVERYTHING he owned and built.

    50+ years of experience using Lemon Pledge on some pretty expensive hardware can't be wrong.

    Since then, I have gone back to using it too......


    PS: It SMELLS good too!
  • If you mean floor wax, then no, don't wax it. Take it from me, I was foolish enough to do it, and the wife was slipping and sliding all over the place. She had to hold on to all appliances at all times to keep from doing the splits.
  • No on a new unit. Just keep it clean, use a good spray on wipe off detailing spray, and if possible out of direct sunlight as much as possible. Aerospace 303 is a good choice as it has uv protection. Floor wax on an RV is for older units like mine that were severely weather beaten.
  • I must be in the minority with the way I read his question. I took it like he has lino for the floor of his coach, and he wanted to put some floor wax on it to keep it looking like new.

    I had to read all the responses twice to realize you guys took it to mean on the OUTSIDE of the coach.
  • Ozlander wrote:
    Do a search for 'Red Max Pro'.
    A lot of people like it.

    I started using Red Max Pro about 4-6 years ago and would re coat it every other year. Last year it started to flake off and now I will have to strip it and either start over of use something else. It looked great the first couple of years on my roof.

    The June issue of Motorhome has an interesting article "Dry Cleaning" your fiberglass roof. A product evaluation of Wash Wax All. It sounds interesting.
  • What would be wrong with just using wax designed for outdoor vehicles? Remember. Short cuts, also short cut quality. Automotive wax will protect your MH for the life of it. Wax it once or twice a year, and it will still look new in 20 years. Put floor shine on it, and it will look old instantly