Forum Discussion

campingman55's avatar
Nov 16, 2014

flow pur 10,000

ok i have had the water softener for 6 week and when i got it i put it in line and it worked great when we took a shower we had the slippery feeling and when i tested the water with the test strips it read 0 on the soft water side now i regenrated and i dont have the slippery feeling anymore and the my test srtips read 25 ppg can any body help me that has one
  • You either haven't done the regeneration correctly or you have loss some of the resin beads

    2# of table salt
    Let sit for at least 5 mins.......(I would let it sit for 20 mins)
    Rinse for at least 20 mins.....test----continue rinsing if necessary

    BUT I would 'backflush' unit before doing anymore regens
    Connect hose to outlet.......flow water thru unit and out the inlet at 1 gallon per minute for 5 minutes THEN do a regen

    Have you tested the water source hardness?
    IF source is 25 gpg.......then your softener can process 400 gallons before regen (Mark 10,000 can process 10,000 grains of hardness)

    It worked for 6 weeks when new.......
  • Also double the salt and redo, Might have to let it set for an hour and then rinse out. If you let it run out and you were in a area with high chlorine you killed the beads. Where I live our hardness count can be in 100+, so 25 is not bad, But 0 is a lot better. As stated you need to regeneration often. Not sure of your capacity of unit but with a 25 reading and what I found on the net, you could be looking at daily regeneration.
  • The ones they use in RV's are so tiny that they probably need even more frequent regens. Even the large home sized units need it at least once a week in most instances.
    You may have to regen it several times to get it down. Then it may need it every day or two depending on its size and the water quality.
  • we used for 6 weeks and i have reg it 2 times in one week still not working right
  • You need to regen more often.
    Don't wait until it doesn't work, make it regen on a regular basis like every Sunday night or when ever you know you won't be using it.