Come-si, Come-sa...... some do some don't. I am one that flushes after every trip. But, I have the luxury of having sewer access beside my driveway, so if I'm in a state park (which I usually am) I bypass the dump station and head on home. (On a FHU site, I flush a couple times and then empty until I get home). Once home, I connect the dump hose to the sewer hookup, connect the water hose to the built-in flush valve, turn it on and open the dump valve. Once the first batch empties, I close the valve, let the tank fill back up and them dump again, and again, and again.....until everything runs clear. Then, after disconnecting everything, I pour 2 gallons of hot water mixed with Dawn and Calgon back into the tank through the toilet and it sits like that until our next outing. All total, it takes me about 30 minutes when we get back home while the DW is unloading all the dirty clothes!