It is definately less Customer friendly. We've encountered inumerable problems associated with buying fuel from them, centered around paying for it.
Two weeks ago wife fueled car at Flying J/Pilot. They didn't giver her discount on the loyalty card. She went in to get it. They insisted they had to void the transaction and do another one. Fine, except they kept the total amount of the ticket without the discount. Several calls and two weeks before the money reappeared in our account. It's not the first time.
Estimating the amount of fuel we needed, she guessed 200.00 too much.
she had to tell them the amount before they would turn the pump on.
She presented her loyalty card, at the counter too. It took about ten days for that 200.00 to be returned to our account. Would giving them two 100.00 bills extra have caused them to hold the money too? It is the same difference. They are making money, on the "float." they can tell all the bs they want to. It makes them look foolish to knowingly tell lies to people. People are not stupid but have no way to stop the, what amounts to theft, of our money, so they can make additional money at the bank. Take 200.00 or whatever amounts time 100,000 mistakes a year, likely more, hold that money for 7 to 10 days in their account at 2% for ten days. That's a lot, of extra money, in a designed in system, that take no maintenance and only telling your Managers to lie and cheat the Customers.
I really hate pulling up to some of their pumps that says 495.00 limit per transaction, to have the pump/station only let you have 75.00 to 125.00 in fuel. After second transaction, you have to go to the desk and pay estimated amount needed or let them hold card, depending on the time of day, position of the sun, and if Manager had a bad morning. Many time it won't even take the card and requires a trip to the counter and wait behind, six or seven or more, Truck Drivers and others buying chips, lottery tickets or paying for fuel. Meantime there are two other registers or at least one closed while the worker stocks shelves, pees, or is doing whatever.
Pilot really doesn't give a hoot about their Customers. there are lots of people buying fuel, and they don't have to have all, of them, to make their fortune, or one more Employee to make a difference. They don't have to so why should they try to keep their Customers happy? This is the ordinary in Germany.