Forum Discussion

Alpiners's avatar
Aug 01, 2017

Foggy headlights

Does anyone know of a spray cleaner that will take away the "fog" on older headlights? We were in Las Vegas at Circus Circus last fall and while we were trying to set up a guy pulled up and offered to clean our foggy headlights for $150. I don't like giving in to unsolicited people so he offered to clean one light and almost a year later it still looks good. I would love to find this. He just sprayed it on, waited a minute, wiped it off. Then he sprayed something else over it after. He said it was very expensive and that's why he was charging so much. So now we have one headlight foggy, one clear and a 2003 Honda that could benefit. We've done the commercial cleaners that you have to buff and even toothpaste. This was by far the best and with little effort. Any suggestions?
  • The Logans wrote:
    Believe it or not, the best thing that I've found is toothpaste and a soft cloth. Takes the yellow film right off!

    Crest Superwhite and a soft cloth, yearly or replace them with new non-yellowing lenses.
  • Believe it or not, the best thing that I've found is toothpaste and a soft cloth. Takes the yellow film right off!
  • I suspect I might flame sprayed but,,,

    Zep does a pretty good job of clearing up headlights. A few thin coats fills in the scratches and usually lasts me a summer camping season.
  • mike brez wrote:
    Bug spray with DEET

    I did that, but it did not last long. I think that I need to spray something over it. Ideas?
  • Look on You Tube for videos on doing it with bug spray. One of the secrets is to wipe it the same direction every time, don't rub it in circles.

  • Get some Flitz and a power ball. Use a high speed drill motor with very little pressure.
  • I use Gel-Gloss to clean mine, seems to work pretty well but you do have to do a little rubbing then use a soft dry cloth to clean off the dried polish.

    Good luck and safe travels.