theoldwizard1 wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
More importantly, figure out the issue because it's likely not normal.
It IS normal in modern cars for an engine starting battery to go dead after about 2 weeks of sitting unused in the vehicle. Many "computer" things (engine computer for sure) consume a tiny bit of power, continuously.
well, for starters, CodyB hasn't even told the class which battery is going dead, house or start, or if his rig even has more than one battery.
But it's not normal for batteries ion new or newer vehicles to go dead after 2 weeks or double or triple that. "Anecdotally", I have vehicles, either personal or company vehicles, new, newish, or 10-20 years old that don't just go dead sitting a few weeks.
But less than anecdotally and on a large scale, like millions or however many new cars sit on car lots for months or whatever and don't go dead?
Answer? The vast majority of them.
If that were not the case, vehicles would have battery disconnects and built in maintainers or dealers and everyone who owns a new car that doesn't get driven weekly would be buying batteries by the pallet load and chargers by the case.
But nice theory.
I will add that you're partly right, newer vehicles do have a parasitic draw. All of them. And that will exploit other conditions. Weak batteries, short infrequent trips or long periods of not being charged, etc.
And FLA batteries lose charge over time, of course. More so in a new vehicle? A little, but if your newer vehicle is chewing through batteries, the greatest likelihood is something else is wrong.
But off topic, but CodyB ain't looking for answers, so may as well expound on the other false theories presented.