"And to the person whose opinion on minimum speed laws, yes there are, but that is on flat/gentle grades - on steep grades, you'll encounter any number of large vehicles creeping along at 10-20mph, up and down, and it is to be expected. In fact, it is very desirable to limit the speed of a 120K lb truck to 20mph heading downhill! A motorhome at 10k to 20k is no exception. "
That would be me... Just finished a cross country trip and saw minimum speed limit signs in almost every state, usually on the interstates. Most were 45, some were 40 but they are there for a reason. When folks buy too little engine to go 45-50 or simply refuse to step on the gas sufficiently and are driving under the minimum they are a hazard.
Comparing RV's to commercial trucks doesn't wash as they are two different critters driven by two vastly different sets of drivers. The typical downhill truck speed limit, found on 6% interstate grades is 35 and I am glad it is in place. Going up those grades I rarely see even the truckers below 35 but it does happen. Truckers, fully loaded don't have a lot of choice but every RV'er does.
My point was/is if you cannot get your rig up a 6% grade at 45-50 there is a serious problem and you are it. Getting back to the thread.... just push down on that vertical pedal on the right and let your V-10 do what is was designed to do.
As always.... Opinions and YMMV.