Forum Discussion

RVER's avatar
Sep 04, 2013

FORD vs GM Vortec engines

I do not want to stir up a bees nest but want to hear opinions on Fords vs Vortec engines in a motorhome. I know that the Ford is the only engine available now for gas MHs. BUT when Vortec was available, which was the better engine, less problems and maintainence problems. Looking at a MH which has the Ford engine with 13,000 miles on her.
  • Since we seem to be going for the newer models, the GM 8.1L engine with the 6 speed double overdrive Allison transmission will get much better mileage than the Ford.
    Basically both engines are fine and will outlast any coach that they are installed in, with normal care. The Allison transmission is a proven component and is known to be bulletproof. Both engines really get low mileage so if that is your criteria for buying a motor home, you will be disappointed.
    Look for the floor plan that suits you best, and do not worry about the engine. Both the GM and the Ford will get you there and back.
  • RVER wrote:
    I do not want to stir up a bees nest but want to hear opinions on Fords vs Vortec engines in a motorhome. I know that the Ford is the only engine available now for gas MHs. BUT when Vortec was available, which was the better engine, less problems and maintainence problems. Looking at a MH which has the Ford engine with 13,000 miles on her.

    What year is that Ford your looking at, as far as I am concerned your best bet is 2006 and newer when it comes to the Ford F-53 chassis, its better or at least equal to the 8.1 with Alison..

    Since I have a 08 F-53 I will have to say the Ford is better. ;)
  • My last motorhome had the 8.1 with GM 4 speed trans and now my new motorhome has the 30 valve V-10 with tow haul 5 speed trans, I think I like the newer Ford V-10.
  • As I understand it, there are considerably more 8.1's in RV's than V10's that have had to be replaced for various reasons. I don't own either so do not know if the problems are designed or consumer. I'm betting they are consumer caused.
  • When I had my class A with the Vortec 8.1. I had no problems with it. It ran quiter than my present Ford V10. Which so far has been problem free.
  • The Ford and GM/Workhorse rivalry was good for the industry as they continuously leap-frogged each other with drivetrain improvements. One would announce a power increase, or better mpg and within 2 years the other would announce better numbers; a couple of years later the first one would announce better numbers again, etc. Now we have Ford competing with Ford and we all lose.
  • With due respect to all, it really comes down to personal preference. I've had both, one Chevy Vortec/Allison in an '04 Tiffin, and over the years, 3 of the Ford V-10s. One in a Class C and 2 in Class A's. I prefer the Ford engine, tranny with the Tow/Haul setting and especially the MOR/Ryde suspension on the new F-53 chassis which are in my latest unit. My greatest specific complaint on the Chevy/Allison was the wine of the tranny on an upgrade and it had the worst fuel consumption of any unit I've owned.
  • Never a problem with my Ford V-10's. Better gas mileage, newer technology, easier to maintain, and very reliable.
  • What year is the chassis need to know what v-10.