Forum Discussion

derh2o's avatar
Aug 29, 2013

Freezer icing up

This is an ongoing problem, and I am sure it is me. We started with a cab over camper, went to a 5er, and now have a 29' Type B+. All were new when we bought them. In each case, I have had to defrost the freezer every 3-4 days. We have done the normal, did the $ bill thing, check the outside frig compartment for spider webs, never leaving the frig door open any longer than needed, etc. Since this has happen on all our new rigs we bought new, I am thinking it is something I am doing wrong. Any ideas? Or, is this normal?
  • We have used our travel trailer and our class C for months (1 - 4) at a time and not needed to defrost. Friends of ours have had I am curious.
  • try this put a bungee cord across the door ,if the icing stops its your gasket,, mine was .
  • Ours will build up ice and need defrosting a few times per year. Every 3 or 4 days would be a pain.

    Ice your beer down in a cooler and save 80% of the door opening/closing :) :) :)
  • How high are you setting temp control?

    You say the 'dollar bill' test was good meaning you could pull bill out with resistance?

    Heavy frequent icing means warm air is getting it compartment.....either thru door seals, frequent opening of door, leaving door open, high humid conditions.
  • It's your door seals
    If they do not stop air entering rhe freezer compartment when closed it will never stop icing up
  • I got ice in all my RV fridges over the years.
    Just moister build up. I empty mine and use DW hair dryer to defrost.
    Does not take long. Only have to do this a few times a year.
  • A fan on the inside coils may help. There are cheaper ones but this is easy....
    refrig fan

    Sorry, reread your post and it's the freezer not the coils, so now I don't know.
  • Make and Model of Refer might help.

    Some have a defrost cycle and the heating elements can fail.

    Check your drain tube on the outside for cracks and make sure it has a drip loop ( U ) so it holds water and keeps air out.
  • I don't think it is a refrigerator performance issue. You are just using it where the air is too moist, the amount of frost in normal for where you are.

    I remember how quickly frost would build up in home refrigerators, before they built in the warming cycles and hid the cooling coils so we would not see what was happening.
  • I'll be interested in reading the solutions to this problem, as my freezer does exactly the same thing. After 3-4 days, I have to turn it completely off and let the ice melt. I then absorb the 2 inches of water with a bath towel. Very inconvenient!