Normally, as your battery charges, it develops resistance to charging and the charging current drops to zero.
When you have a battery that has a cell that has collapsed inside, the current in that cell merrily runs along, but it sees the battery as not charged, so it throws the maximum charging current through the battery trying to charge it.
The result of this current flow is an off gassing, and cooking of the battery.
What I did was I got a very cheap ($3.00) (Banggood) two decimal point voltage meter and put it across the battery terminals. Now, I just need to look at the meter to determine my battery voltage. I can monitor the amount of usage over time by checking the voltage. I can also monitor the drop in voltage when I hook up a big load like the furnace motor.
Keeping an eye on your battery and understanding what is normal, and what is not becomes a habit, and after a while you just glance at the voltage and know everything is OK, or something is wrong.