I have a fleetwood class A, last spring 2014 I was quoted $525.00 at a diesel truck service center. I called arround and they all quoted $500.00 more or less I had worn out 2 front tires in less than 20,000 miles. On the recomendation of a L.A. Freightliner employee I went to Petes tire service. They told me about the FMCA deal with Michelin tires, I joined FMCA and 2 days later I had two new tires,and a front end alignment just over $1100.00 the front end had never been aligned by frei
ghtliner,or fleetwood. ( not my job man ) prior to delivery. The alignment was $119.00 plus parts. PETES road service highly recomended. All over SO. CAL.