wolfe10 wrote:
Anyone, I repeat anyone who tells you to correct tire pressure for your rig without knowing wheel position weights (better) or at least axle weights is either:
An idiot.
Not aware of any third explanation. The tire manufacturers have spent a lot time and effort to determine and publish load/PSI tables. There is a reason for them.
Yes, some coaches DO require full tire pressure to carry the load-- hopefully, yours do not (as lower PSI requirement also means that your tires have some safety reserve-- they are not maxed out).
Almost totally agree.
But if you did not weigh yet ,should you then be left with no advice, and destroy your tires by yust quessing the pressures wich mostly are to low then.
Thats the reason why in lack of weighed wheelposition loads , I go from the GAWR's and highen up the rear with even 18 % to make the GAWR 85% of the load the pressure is calculated for.
Asuming you are not a notorious overloader, it leaves enaugh reserve for things like, pressure loss in time, Unequall loading R/L ( often the case) , incidental extra load or little overloading.
Other is the pressure/loadcapacity lists the tire maker gives.
They are made using a formula, wich is different in Europe and America for C-load tires and Up.
As late as 2005 American TRA swiched to the European calculation ,but only for standard load/P-tire and XL/extraload/reinforced.
I still question why they did not do it at the same time for C-load and up , because European calculation wich is used here for all kind of tires , gives lesser deflection . Or better the Old formula used still in America leads to to much deflection of the tire in the lower pressure /loadcapacity range.
So what you write
The tire manufacturers have spent a lot time and effort to determine and publish load/PSI tables, is not true it is done by a lot of copying and conversion and by yust filling in a formula and rounding.
If you want to use a pressure loadcapacity list , use my made , wich are saver even then the European calculation, mayby even a bit pessimistic.But then first add 10% to the weighed loads for the reasons mentioned earliër ( always advice when using whatever P/LC list). And in case of using GAWR's rear add 18% and front 5% ( front seldomly overloaded, or you have to put a heavy motor on the front-bumper.