racer99 wrote:
Good suggetions BUT the MH is at a storage yard outside with snow everywhere,The house Batteries are in the garage on battery tender so starting the genny up to get heater going is out of the question,And I would need a real long extendtion cord to plug into my house,They are talking possible rain Thurs which may help,I may crawl on roof to remove any loose snow that I can BUT if I fall there won't be no vacation Maybe get a portable Generator to run heater-Thanks Rich
You can't start the generator from the chasis battery with your boost switch? I can start mine from either bank of batteries, but I don't know if it makes a difference that the batteries are out of the coach.
I'm in California where we don't get a freeze that often, but I tried to remove my cover once when it had frozen to the roof and it was frozen solid. And it only got to maybe 25 degrees overnight. I waited until later in the afternoon to take it off when it was up in the 40's and it still did not come off easy. Tore it in a couple of places. The reason I tell this story is I'm guessing it's a whole lot colder where you are so you are going to have a heck of time warming that motorhome up enough to get the cover off. You'll probably have to run the generator along with however many electric heaters it will support as well as you internal furnace.