wildtoad wrote:
So if you collect all this data and don’t compute your mileage, why collect it? My DW always gets a receipt at each fill up and stuffs it in the glove box but never does anything with them.
I do agree with your sentiment.
And now to answer the OP’s post, after some 29k miles towing/not towing, my average is high sixes to mid sevens. (2016, Newmar BSS, 31ft, Ford V10)
mowermech wrote:
I drive the Ford V-10 motorhome shown in my sig, towing the Jeep shown in my sig.
I keep a log book where I enter every gallon of gas that is put in the tank, what date I bought it, how much it cost, and the odometer reading.
I have never computed the MPG, because I just don't care! I know it is terrible, and I know it is to be expected. Worrying about fuel economy in a motorhome is an exercise in futility. It is terrible, and there is very little that can be done to improve it!
Why collect the data? It is something that I have done since my first vehicle along about 1958. It is a habit I am slowly breaking. The only vehicles I still do it in are the Dodge truck and the motorhome. Perhaps someday I will throw those two logbooks away. Of course, they are also a log of where we have been. Or, perhaps, someday I will do some math computations and see what the fuel economy was.
Just a bad habit that I haven't managed to totally break yet.