Forum Discussion

DANO2014's avatar
Oct 03, 2014

Fuel Pump *Catapillar 330hp

Where is the fuel pump located on a Catapillar Engine 330hp (2001 Model)in a Allegro Bus? No problem just wanting to know ???
  • FWD is always the accessory case end, rear is the flywheel end. And of course neither of you asked the question, right? BTW, CATS use SAE nuts and bolts unless they dont, then they are metric. BWAHAHA
  • cbeierl wrote:
    Passin Thru wrote:
    Front left lower side gear driven front right side is the air compressor rear right starter, if its a 3306E the electronic unit is black box rear left side, fuel and water filters should be top left fwd, oil filter is fwd and below turbocharger. some models have a gear driven alternator, some a belt with a pump for crankcase ventilation below, some don't have the pump.

    And of course in a diesel pusher you'll need to swap left & right and fwd & rearward. :)

    Right on Chris, I was all "discombooberated" in reading his response.
  • Passin Thru wrote:
    Front left lower side gear driven front right side is the air compressor rear right starter, if its a 3306E the electronic unit is black box rear left side, fuel and water filters should be top left fwd, oil filter is fwd and below turbocharger. some models have a gear driven alternator, some a belt with a pump for crankcase ventilation below, some don't have the pump.

    And of course in a diesel pusher you'll need to swap left & right and fwd & rearward. :)
  • Front left lower side gear driven front right side is the air compressor rear right starter, if its a 3306E the electronic unit is black box rear left side, fuel and water filters should be top left fwd, oil filter is fwd and below turbocharger. some models have a gear driven alternator, some a belt with a pump for crankcase ventilation below, some don't have the pump.
  • This may sound bazaar, but in all the years I have dealt with Caterpillar engines, have never run into a bad lift pump. So, sorry can't help.

    99% of fuel problems are filters and/or air leaks into the fuel system on the suction side.