A couple years back my DW finally had enough of the "chucking", rough ride that our 1ton dually pulling a 35'5th wheel could give.
We went looking for a MH, a gas one was within budget. We found a nice 29' one that we thought fit the bill. The ride was ok, the seats were not the best but very do able. The engine noise was a little over bearing at times. Nothing that we could not get used to. On the down side that we never even thought about was storage! Being used to the large 5er the gasser had no storage neither inside or out. For weekend use it was great but for long trips not so much.
After the first year we realized we made a size mistake. So off we go looking for larger MH's. Thats when we found an older 37'DP in excellent shape. The ride so much better, its easier for DW to get up and move around when rig is in motion.
Everything that "tracking" had to say was correct. I will add think hard about how you want to use the MH. Do not get two short of a unit, as the change from toy hauler to mh is a big one.
Good Luck you have a big decission to make