Forum Discussion

steadyfreddy123's avatar
Oct 14, 2015

Gas or Diesel

As far as fuel costs go, is it less expensive to own a Class A RV with a Gas or Diesel engine?

As far as maintenance costs go, is it less expensive to own a Class A RV with a Gas or Diesel engine?
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Welcome to the forums. Plenty of answers in that search box at the top. It comes down to size... under 36' you'll be in the gasser size. Over 38' you are in the diesel size... yes there are some 34' diesel, but they are rare. 36' to 38' is a tossup for some but I'd still go diesel for all the other things a DP (Diesel Pusher) gives you. More CCC, air brakes and air ride, and usually better construction. If you do your own maintenance then the better MPG of a diesel offsets the increase volume and cost of engine items. Rarely does anyone go back to a gasser other than to get a much smaller unit.
  • Until you have a problem, you will love the diesel. You may still love the diesel afterwards if you have deep pockets.
  • If you're only interested in comparing fuel cost the discussion is almost an exersize in futility unless the coaches in question are the same size and weight.

    In general you can say that the same size/wieght coach will get better fuel mileage with diesel than with gas. Now, depending where you travel diesel my cost less or close to the same as gas. In these instances diesel will win every time.

    If, however, you are trying to compare a 32' gas to a 42' diesel....can't be done.
  • OK Bill, please explain higher maintenance costs and lower resale value? I see you wrong on both points IMHO. The only things that might cost more is the amount of oil used in diesels. Cost of fuel? Non issue right now, many places diesel is cheaper than regular gas. Diesels return bettet fuel economy, so any difference in price is offset by increased fuel economy.
  • Considering the huge price leap required to buy an RV with a diesel engine and the higher cost of diesel fuel and the higher maintenance costs of a diesel engine you will likely pay more, and lose more on the sale, for a diesel coach. However, that's not the reason you buy a diesel coach. The size, room, comfort, quiet, safety, capacity, and likely much more is the reason to buy a diesel. If you find exactly what you like in a it (after you drive it and can live with it). I wanted a gasser as it fit my budget. I wanted this until I drove a similar coach with a rear diesel. It cost me $35,000 more but I have never had a single regret about my choice.
  • I have owned both several times and IMHO a DP is hard to beat. I would go with
    a Diesel
  • I think when all the arguments you just initiated are through, the consensus will be that Diesals (DPs) are a little more expensive to own and maintain than Gassers. Almost all who actually have owned either a DP or both a gasser and a DP will tell you that the DP is worth the expense and close to none of them would go back to a gasser. They will tell you to buy an older high end DP preferably with a tag, because fit and finish, luxuries, ride and just about everything is better in a high end DP. Don't buy either new because of extreme depreciation in the first 2-3 years. Did I miss anything? LOL have fun looking and you will love whatever you buy, oh yeah! Floor plan is most important to some! LOL
  • All else being equal, diesels will return better fuel economy and have a higher ROI. Maintenance? Thats a toss up. No spark plugs, plug wires vs more oil at oil change time. Only you can decide which is better for you