I generally avoid using residential neighborhood gas stations and those found in major metropolitan areas because they are usually busier, have tighter access, and sharper turning radii. Its nice if you can avoid making left turns across oncoming traffic when entering and exiting the station. Larger big box stores like Costco have worked well providing they have easy access. As previously mentioned, Google maps is your friend. When in doubt, get out and look at the potential situation before committing your vehicle. It only takes a few minutes and may save hours and $$$$$$$ if you happen to hit something. IMO, many RV's are built like a house of cards. If you hit a stationary object, it usually does far more damage to your vehicle than what you hit. Also remember that not only the tail swing is a problem but the longer wheelbase as well. I should know better by now but I still cut corners too tight and subsequently hit curbs with my REAR tires.
It may not apply to your coach buy I find it's helpful to remove my seatbelt just prior to entering the station so that I can lean forward and to the side to do a good job of clearing my mirrors. I put my seatbelt back on just prior to entering traffic. Tight spots are not your friend in a MH.
Be prepared to wait for the right opportunity as well as forgiving those in smaller vehicles who may appear rude and cut in front of you. They know not what they do!
Chum lee