Forum Discussion

djlind's avatar
Aug 30, 2013

Gen Set has low power output

At the end of the last trip, the gen set was running when I activated the leveling system at home. The interior lights were on at the time and completely darkened when the pump kicked in, and the gen stalled. Had to hook to shore power to get enough power to run that system. Now this morning, in prep to launch for the weekend, I started the gen in order to run an AC unit to cool off the cabin. Each time the compressor kicked in, it would stall the gen.

Any idea what might be going on?
  • I do have a house battery that is not holding a charge. But I thought that the gen would boost/take over. Maybe not??

    This is an Onan 6KW Model 6 HDKAH-1044K
  • Your generator has a governor system that will keep the RPM's up when a load is applied. On my Onan, there is a very small hole in the intake system that samples the engine vacuum and will speed up the engine when it is under load.
    If the generator has not been used very often, it is possible that something has plugged up the governor portion of the engine that does not allow it to compensate for the additional load.
    I would check the output voltage and see if it remains constant as a load is applied. If it drops greatly under a normal load, then it may be a generator problem, especially since you said the leveling system worked fine with shore power.
  • I was going to say the Start Capacitor on A/C maybe, but your have more going on. What kind of generator? It could well be batteries, but with the dim lights and the genny almost stalling, it sounds more serious.
  • Weak/dead batteries maybe. Most if not all leveling systems use battery power to operate.