mci7 wrote:
Seafoam is a great help used correctly. And helps when you are too cheap to use a better grade of gasoline. Folks that use a better grade of gasoline do not suffer the same issues. Learned that when did a lot of flying, started using the 93 octane in lawn mower, ATV, rail car (Speeder), generator & chainsaw. No more issues. Do what makes you happy.
Dave M
Thanks. I think....
The 93 vs. 87 octane thing isn't a matter of "cheap". The 93 makes the 454 run hotter so I run 87 in the tank. The 454 is already prone to overheating and vapor locking, so I guess it's a lesser of 2 evils. Just so happens the generator drinks the same fuel.
Been sitting out here for a couple of hours now with both A/Cs on and the idle bumped up a bit. Hopefully I found a happy medium. It's not too high with no load but doesn't seem to be surging under a load.
Bob - thanks for the suggestion. I checked the choke and it's backed all the way off.