Forum Discussion

mike_brez's avatar
Apr 29, 2020

Generator radiator removal

I have a Power Tech 8kw Model IDL 8000 with a Isuzu 3LB1PV02 engine on a front slide out. Just looked real quick but looks pretty tight to remove in place.
Not looking forward to do this.
  • Just a up date. Have put over 100 hours on generator after repair and all is still good.
  • Put radiator in tote with water and pumped up to 20lbs, let sit for 15min I figured to let everything equalize and lowered to 19lbs.
    Held at 19lbs for over two hours. Radiator cap says 17lbs on it so I’m calling it good for now. Repainted the shroud and took belt off. Going to grab a belt while it’s all apart.

  • Had some time today so i air tested and found a few leaks.
    Soldered them up the best I could(they ain’t pretty)holding air fairly well but still dropping some psi on the gauge and can’t see anything else using soapy water in a spray bottle.
    Going to grab one of my tucker totes tomorrow and fill with water and submerge it and air text.
    Also started to drill out one of the broken bolts so I can tap and battery drill died.

  • If its not repairable and you can't find a suitable used one, you may want to look around at the racing industry. There are companies out there that make radiators for race cars that are "custom" and may be very reasonable.

    You also might be able to look at someplace like "Jegs" and see what they might have listed and available and sizes. Might take some creativity to get hose connections in the right place or right size, but its very possible.

    Good Luck!
  • Well it’s possible with a couple broken bolts a couple scrapes and a handful of bad words.
    Now to try and repair or find a new one. This is probably going to be the worse part.

  • Got email just as I figured,no radiator or even a part number available. Was told they were specially made and sent to power tech for install.
    Jeff coming back middle of next week trish couldn’t say if it was possible to remove while in coach. I’m thinking I’m just going to pull it out
  • wolfe10 wrote:
    Don't know with the COVID 19 about their hours/who is on-duty, but:

    Call Power Tech at 800 760 0027. Go to tech extension 3. Speak with Jeff.

    Plan B, speak with another Power Tech tech.

    Yep emailed them already. I emailed Jeff directly to his email last week and got a reply back from Trish?
  • Don't know with the COVID 19 about their hours/who is on-duty, but:

    Call Power Tech at 800 760 0027. Go to tech extension 3. Speak with Jeff.

    Plan B, speak with another Power Tech tech.