B.B.Upch wrote:
OK so if it's the governor where do I start? Replace the spring?
& no the fuel is not fresh. But I can't drain the tank because it is 3/4 full. I did pull the hose from the tank & put it in a gas can full of fresh gas & beriman B12. Still did the same thing.
Go to Onan and get the Service manual for your model Genset. It will tell you how to set up the Governor system and the idle. Without the Service manual, you will just be spinning your wheels. There is a specific procedure for setting up the Governor and without the Manual you will not get it right. Your problem may also be the "Idle" adjustment. The Idle screw should be set so when you manually decrease the throttle the output voltage drops to about 90 volts. IF the Idle screw is backed off too far, then when the genset bogs down the speed drops to far and the Governor cannot keep up. Doug