We've had our Georgetown 351DS for over 2 years now, and love it. Going on our 3rd season with it, and except for the usual minor 'quirks' you have with any new RV, it has been pretty much flawless.
Like you, we 'agonized' over this decision for a long time. Ultimately we liked the Georgetown better than anything/everything else we looked at. Everything about it just 'fit' best for us - floorplan, pricing, quality, dealer, availability, etc. Georgetowns are some of the best 'bang for the buck' you can get in a Class A.
Yes, you can spend several thousand more and get something with more 'bling' and maybe a little better quality (Tiffin, Winnebago come to mind). For us at least, though, after looking closely at all of them, we just were not convinced the difference in quality was significant enough to be worth all the extra $$ involved. That, and the 351DS floorplan just fit better for us than the other units we looked at.
PM me if you want more specific info. I've done several modifications to ours to make it even better, which I'd be glad to share with you.