chasfenwick wrote:
avoid a residential refrigerator like the plague
OP: You inadvertently put everyone who owns a residential fridge on the defensive. Yikes!
Thor Palazzo and other entry coaches have insufficient batteries to run a Residential, yet it is the only option. Last weekend the Palazzo Salesman Admitted:E he promised people 3 days run time but they were only getting 1.
For all the reasons you mentioned, I too prefer adsorption. Unfortunately many/most of the best floorplans and manufacturers no longer offer this option.
Many folks seem happy with theirs, given their use patterns, but this does not diminish the validity of your preference (and in some cases concerns).
The biggest obstacle to a conversion I see would be ensuring that there is not a supportive wall structure exactly where the vent holes need to go.
Since the "Industry standard" has shifted to Residential, perhaps the conversion money could be spent on batteries/solar instead.
I'm facing the same dilemma. Maybe a list of Manufacturers / Models that offer adsorption would be helpful to all. Tiffin Phaeton offers it as an option, hopefully there are others.