chasfenwick wrote:
It is very difficult to obtain useful, factual information from these forums. Maybe 20% of the responses are reasonable and useful. I have made various attempts over the last 1-1/2 years, but it appears to be hopeless.
I take your above statement to mean you have tried to gather info from the other various forums where residential fridges and associated issues have been posted........
BUT after 1 1/2 yrs. you have NOT really gather USEFUL info about the issues/concerns/problems with residential fridges YET you have decided you will NOT purchase a new RV if it has one OR you will rip it out and replace with absorption fridge.
Is that about it?
I like absorption fridges BUT there have been issues.......mfg. caused.
Residential fridges.......they run, run, run, run.
Properly set up they are RV friendly.
I for one would like to hear of the issues you have heard/read about even IF you only have a few examples.
Just curious what has been posted :H