I owned and lived full time in a '94 Bounder that had sat on a consignment lot for 3 years before I drove it and I'm with the others...check it out first with special attention to the roof. You'd have to get the RV parks permission to do any major maintenance to it there, and you're likely to have major maintenance to do. But they'll probably understand since they know it's been sitting for 7 years.
You might think about having it towed to a nearby shop and let them do the pre-start work. Check shops in that town at RVServiceReviews.com where you can get some idea of the shops reputation. Pre-start checking of the fuel for rust, perhaps draining and flushing the tank, and installing a special filter sounds like a great idea. Add some seafoam to the fuel too.
Good luck...here's a link to a similar RV to your new2u RV:
The 2000 Bounder...