As the engine manufacturers started using light tension ring packages to reduce rotational loss there was a slight increase in oil consumption and the best way out of this situation was to issue a statement about miles/quart. One of the major American manufacturers started looking in to oil consumption very seriously when their warranty claims started to increase dramatically. The most prevalent cause of increased oil consumption was the use of different oil suppliers or going to Econo Lube and then Jiffy Lube and then the local independent because of price. This company then ran a long term test, mileage and chemical analysis, and came to the conclusion that switching from one oil to another had a definite impact on increased oil consumption and the reason was the difference in additive packages. The chemical analysis found that the additive packages used by different oil companies would actually "fight" each other and the oil consumption increased dramatically. During the test the most interesting observation was the decrease in consumption after 2 to 3 oil changes when using the same oil. I personally experienced this 6 to 7 months after reading this study when I changed from a Pennzoil product to Kendall D-3 at my shop. A large number of customers complained of increased oil consumption which then decreased dramatically with the next oil change. Modern science, what an amazing headache at times.