We were told it was the alignment and had it aligned three times. We were told it was because there was not enough weight on the front axle.
We were told it was bad shocks. We were told a bunch of stuff,with straight faces.
Replaced the steer tires with Michelin steer tires with a decoupling grove near the edges. Since 11, I think we have had no problem other than a rebalance.
The rears are still GY670s and are doing well. I check the things every time we stop or start.
The GYs have a lot more UV protection in the compound and ten years is reasonable, if taken care of and protected from the scorching sun etc.
Michelins don't have as much UV protection and 5 years might be reasonable limit. They ride smoother because, of more compliant sidewalls etc. Steers fine. Will see when we change rears. May go with Hancock for price, if what we hear is good, on life, at that time. Five years rolls around, like tomorrow, these days, so I am not ready to buy new tires yet. Stop scaring me. :)
You know I'm just kidding?