Some coaches "River" and some don' gets really old hearing from people that say their Goodyears never rivered....that's lovely, you were lucky. They also think that the 50% of the population that had the POS Goodyear G670's river, must be doing something wrong.
I stayed on top of my Goodyears, like white on rice, with alignments, balancing and tire pressure checking, but they still rivered....two sets of them. I finally went to the Hankook AH12's and NEVER had another issue. My Goodyears on the rear NEVER rivered either!!!
Whatever causes some coaches to "River" and others not to, will probably never be solved....but there is a problem with the G670's. Not only did mine "River", they also had tread separations.
Hedgehog....don't waste money on alignments unless you haven't had one for a few years. The Hankooks will not only wear great, they'll ride better than the Goodyears. I'll never accept another new car or RV with Goodyear tires. I refuse to support a company that will not address an issue such as the "Rivering". It's like states that won't fix their roads, but do put up a sign Rough Road!!!! Idiots.