OP you really need to learn your RV's capabilities. 1000's of MH's crossing the 7% grades everyday towing. Yours is no different. That V-10 is built to do the job and if in reasonable shape, your's looks in great shape, will do the deed. If you don't have one installed get a braking system on the towed, although unless using the service brakes mine does not come on going down the grades. Going up and down will be a bit of a learning experience. Up pick a gear you can hold 4000 RPM or a bit more and sit back and relax for the few minutes, watch for over heating although you should be fine, plan the big climb's for cool hours of the morning. Down hill rule of thumb, same gear as going up using quick harder braking with service brakes on the way down if needed to drop a few MPH. As to wear on the MH, it is built for the job as long as you do your part. I have been towing for 54 years and have never unhooked for up hill or down with the exception of hunting in the mountains with snow and ice, logging roads.