This is addressed to the Men not the Ladies. We all know how to run everything we purchase, no need to read the manual. We also never review the route, just trust in that mile portion of the route on the screen will get us there. Read the manual cover to cover then practice and review routes(zoom out to see where we are going) and 90% of the going the wrong way goes away. And yes I have blindly gone where the GPS instructed too. One time I remember from Bakersfield to I5(I'm not from this area) the GPS said take next exit. I did and then was told a right, three lefts, a right and I was back on the four lane. If I would have zoomed out I would have know just keep on going or if I had familiarized my self to the route I would have known better. GPS is a lot better than a paper map at 60 mph but still only a tool and one MUST learn how to use it affectively.