Forum Discussion

dennyida's avatar
Jul 17, 2014

granite ridge A/C

Hi to all from Denny and Ida, One question on our A/C on our 2004 granite ridge 2700 DS motor home. We had camped for about 3 days in some real hot muggy weather. WE ran the A/C most of the time during the day. On the third day we seen some moisture that looked like it was coming from the A/C on the ceiling. I turned off the A/C ,took the cover off and saw no indication that the A/C was the cause of the moisture. Has any one had a situation like this? Thank you, Denny and the wee blonde Ida
  • Here's a tip one will rarely need ... but can be very frustrating if you're ever caught up in it.

    We toured the Eastern U.S. once in August .... never again!!!

    We had a night once where the temp was only in the very low 80's. The humidity was also absurdly high. We of course had to run the A/C full bore because of the humidity. Now ... how to keep from freezing to death? We plugged in an electric heater and ran it at the same time as the A/C. We carefully modulated the A/C setting and heater setting until we finally wound up with an interior temp of about 72 degrees along with bearable humidity. It was kindof an emergency dehumidifier.
  • We have the same year and model granite ridge that you have. On a summer trip to Iowa a few years back we had a similar issue. Standing in the coach with water dripping on your head definitely got our attention. A mobile repairman came out and determined because the a/c was working overtime due to the extreme weather, the pan which holds the condensation couldn't handle it. He went up on top, drilled a hole in the side of the pan and suggested, if necessary, we park a little off camber to allow the condensation to be released through the hole. It worked and the only time we have had any similar issues is when camped in extreme humidity for a long period of time. And, yes, we park a little lower on the one side just is case. Good luck.
  • In humid conditions moisture may form on cold surfaces like metal ceiling vents depending on how often the entrance door is opened.

    If the moisture is coming from around the AC ceiling cover you may have plugged drain holes in the base of the AC unit on the roof. These are the drains that allow the water to run out and down the roof to the ground. If they are plugged which can happen due to debris, dirt or other crud, the water can leak back into the RV.

    It's an easy fix. Do a search on YouTube or this forum for tips on cleaning the drin holes.