Forum Discussion

Cadmandan's avatar
Apr 10, 2016

Gulfstream Mini Cruiser 2007

Hello everyone,
I need a little help, please.
We own a 2007 Gulfstream Mini Cruiser, class C unit.
Does anyone know where the switch box is located to go from cable to antenna and vise versa. I have looked everywhere.

  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    malojeer wrote:
    On our 07 GS BT Cruiser there is an outside connection in the door behind the generator for cable. All we do is turn off antenna amp which is mounted beneath overhead cabinet on left side and cable works fine. no switchbox

    Well said. That antenna amp is called Wall Plate Power Supply and looks like The big hole at the top is an outlet for a 12VDC TV Set. The little button is the power switch and the coax cable connection's by it. Smallest hole is the "Power ON" indicator LED.

    It should work as has been described UNLESS somebody has left a cable disconnected at that Plate, or rearranged those cables. There are three terminals on the back: Cable, Antenna, and one TV set. The terminal you see on the front is for another TV.

    Here are the connection instructions.
  • On our 07 GS BT Cruiser there is an outside connection in the door behind the generator for cable. All we do is turn off antenna amp which is mounted beneath overhead cabinet on left side and cable works fine. no switchbox
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    Our 2003 Jayco has what I'll call the "basic" TV setup:

    Winegard connection Plate with Booster Switch (12V supplied to Plate from Coach)
    Winegard crank-up Antenna connected to the back of the Plate
    External "RV Park Cable" connected to the back of the Plate, to outside of coach
    One TV connected to the front of the Plate
    Second TV connected to the back of the Plate

    If that's what you have, all you should have to do:
    To watch Antenna TV is crank antenna up, turn Booster ON, rotate Antenna for best reception.
    To watch Cable TV, connect your outside cable and be sure the Booster is OFF.

    Our coach had its connections changed by the previous owners. They wanted to watch TV from an additional source and all it took me to restore to original design (above) was rearrange the connections on the back of the Winegard Plate.

    Winegard plate wiring diagram is available on-line. If your setup is different, let us know. Some are a good deal more complex. I helped with a Winnie on Sprinter (2007 or so?) that had all the above plus DVD player and pre-wired for a Dome. There was a switch or two. It'd been miswired by a "professional" who charged a couple hours labor and left it with nothing working. Luckily it was Winnebago, so we could look up the wiring diagrams. Once we got it back to OEM, it all worked. The problem was that their OEM TV was flat screen but did NOT have a digital tuner. They were carrying a digital flat screen and rabbit ears around in a plastic bag to set up and try to find signal. Hooked it up to the corrected wiring and made them an adapter to put new TV on old mounting. They were the picture of Happy Campers!
  • First what is a class C mini cruiser? What is the model number?
  • Some smaller setups don't always have a switch box. I had a setup once that actually required you to switch cables into a splitter. If you see a unused jack or cable that might be how you switch yours. Are you able to see or have you checked behind the TV?

    Hopefully someone with your model will chime in.