lj2654 wrote:
Well, We were supposed to go camping today thru Sunday. We had everything packed and almost complete Thursday!
Well, I was carrying some paper towels to put inside a cabinet and dropped one roll outside. As I went back out of the mh I decided to open a cargo door for the aquahot to remember to check the expansion tank.
I went and picked up the roll of paper towels and proceeded back to the center entrance door and walked into the front edge of door I had opened prior, hit with top of forehead and above right eye.
I was knocked unconscious and was in the sand and gravel driveway on my back when I woke up...checked head and was bleeding some, sat up and slowly got up to go inside the house to check injuries. Couldn't see out of right eye and was quite dizzy at this point.
Well, rt eye swollen shut and black and blue, big gash on forehead, seem ok otherwise, just a few aches and pains from falling I guess!
Canceled trip to State Park as decided not to drive with one eye! Plenty of other times to go......
Sorry for your injure and hope for a swift recovery. I have noticed as I enter the autumn of life (now 67) that I make more and more mistakes such as you did. My wife is starting to use the D word (downsizing) but I tell her I plan to drive this puppy a lot longer. Just hope I don't have to eat those words.