Airdaile wrote:
dom101 wrote:
I felt like telling them, I was born on a Wednesday but not last Wednesday
I have a similar one - I was born at night, but not last night.
BTW this is old news. Here's an article from 2015
I had a gas station attendant on the Ohio Tpke "check under the hood" back in the 70s when someone still pumped your gas. He came back with the fanbelt in his hand (neatly sliced) and said it broke when he was testing the tension. I grabbed the "broken" belt and said "no problem" and proceeded to unload the trunk to get at my tools and the spare belt. Right there at the pumps.
The manager came out screaming that I couldn't tie up his pumps to work on my car and I asked him to call the state police. I said that I would show the cops the "broken" fan belt when they got there and have the attendant arrested for destruction of property. Things quieted down after that.
My father ran a station in the early 60's and complained that most of the help that he hired seemed to think that was expected of them, along with a host of other schemes.