Forum Discussion

lucky13's avatar
Apr 04, 2016

heater hose cummins

Driving down the road and all of a sudden all the alarms are going off, turns out have completely lost all coolant , , called goodsam they send someone out.... Guy comes out and found out the heater hose has blown. He turns off the value that send hot water to the dash heater. Fills me out with fluid and sends me on the way.
Ok, I see a new hose is not expensive but how hard is it to replace, is this something a dummy like myself can do...We have a cummins 400 40ft MH,
  • There is no need to replace the whole hose. I suspect that it broke down in the engine compartment where it is exposed to lots of heat, oil, fuel, etc.

    It is not unreasonable to replace the engine-room section of the hose and use a metal barb to barb fitting to join the new engine room hose to the original hose that is protected in the basement. Metal barb to barb and two hose clamps on each hose at the splice(with screw part 180 degrees from each other) and you should be good to go.

    Be sure to route the hose away from the exhaust and any location where it could chafe.
  • Look at the last few posts here. He details removing and replacing the heater hoses in a Monaco Dynasty.
  • Replacement difficulty depends on the chassis and if everything is enclosed underneath. Motor type and coach length does not give any info worthwhile
  • I can't say how easy or hard it is to replace but I would spend the extra bucks and buy silicone heater hose so that you will probably never have to worry about it again for the life of the RV.
    Silicone hose does require special hose clamps as well.