Find your house battery, look inside the caps to see if plates are covered with electrolyte. Add distilled water if needed using a rubber bulb battery filler from auto supply store. If you see corrosion around connectors, take apart and clean with a wire brush for good connections. Test voltage of house battery(s) with a voltmeter set on 20 volts DC. If rig is connected to shore power, battery voltage should read around 13.6 volts, if it reads 12 volts it's dead. With truck engine or RV generator running, it should read around 14 volts. Have house battery charged and load tested, it may be worn out from sitting discharged or just old age. Your converter/charger may be defective or old type that over-charges/boils out battery. Good to upgrade converter charger if needed to modern type and don't let batteries go dead which damages them and shortens useful life. Use auxiliary battery switch to disconnect house battery when rig is parked for a couple of weeks and not being driven. Cheap but usable digital multi-testers are available from Harbor Freight, etc. Read directions before use.