maddawg46 wrote:
My motorhome is 13 ft. HighTo the top of the air conditioner. I measured it. I got a Trwuckers atlas that lists low tunnels and bridges. The highway I plan on going has one **** tunnel that seems too low. In the atlas it calls out two dimensions. Maximum 13.10, minimum 12.9. I assume that this is the dimension of the tunnel itself. The middle is 13.10 and the right side is 12.9. IS THAT CORRECT?
I don't want to rip off my air conditioner. I should not have waited until the last minute to look at this atlas. I guess I should talk to a trucker.
does 13.10 mean 13' 10" or 13.1 feet?? if 13.1-feet I would avoid it...way too close for comfort. but, yes, where is the tunnel?