In theory the center is the maximum, that may be the left lane in a 4 Lane tunnel or it may be astride the center line
I would suggest an alternate route
Another thing you can do ..
I mounted a CB antenna.. THe tip of the antenna is just a bit higher than the A/C... You approach a low-underpass at a slow crawal. If the antenna makes contect. GO AROUND.
Next planned upgrade on MH is a camera array.. (They only cost a small amount each) one will be in the A/C shroud. Looking forward. One on each rear view looking backward.. Don't know where I'll put others yet but I already have one under the fuel filler looking straight out.. on this Gasser it's lke 30 feet from me to filler neck and it's on the other side as well making lining up on the pump next to IMPPOSSIBLE.. I switch to B on my Rearwiew monitor and when the pump is centered on teh screen.... I'm good.