Ava wrote:
Hi, my 94 Bounder DP has a switch by the door that controls the power to the lights in the compartments below. There are individual switches inside each but the main one inside has to be on.
I've got some switches there. One is 12 volt battery disconnect, one for the outside dock light, one for the floor lights (night lights), one for interior lights and the last one is the step lock out switch. All of them work fine except the step lock out. There is no power to that switch.
I've owned this motorhome for about 10 years and I've done most all work on it. I've never found a "master" switch for the bay lights. I can install power to the step lock out switch. That's not a problem but I shouldn't have to do that and that doesn't get my bay lights back. I'll talk to an RV tech Monday. I may try to call Tiffin but I doubt they would be much help.